Brother of prophet yusuf. And thus We reward the doers of good.

people have rejected you, how about the Prophet Yusuf, whose own brothers rejected him physically, they threw him out. "O my son! Prophet Yusuf (AS) was the beloved son of Prophet Yaqub (AS), who also had 11 other sons. They asked Prophet Yusuf (AS) to release their brother as their father is an older man, and he can’t bear this grief. Apr 28, 2021 · Allah SWT gave Prophet Yusuf AS the miracle of the interpretation of Dreams, so Yusuf AS interpreted the King’s dream. Prophet Yusuf (as) heard about the ten brothers who had arrived from a distant land. Betrayal by Brothers: Jealousy and Plot: Yusuf’s brothers were jealous of their father’s deep affection for him. Story of Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) -as a governor- used to supply the families with the crops reservoir during the seven arid years. They all lived near Jerusalem in Palestine, which at that time was called Canaan. One of the brothers (usually understood to be Reuben [19]) however, felt that instead of slaying Joseph(Yusuf) they should instead drop him into a well, so that a caravan may come and pick him up. And thus We reward the doers of good. Basic Information and Facts on Surah Yusuf Surah (Chapter) Number: 12 Number of Verses: 111 English Meaning: Named after Prophet Yousuf (Joseph) Summary of Story Mentioned in Surah Yousuf Surah Yusuf is the 12th chapter of the Qur'an and is unique in that it focuses on the story of the Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) from beginning to end, making Jun 20, 2024 · The brothers were given food by Hadrat Yusuf (as) B. Oct 30, 2023 · Surah Yusuf, the 12th chapter of the Quran, presents one of the most beautiful and captivating narratives in Islamic scripture. joshen. s) DO NOT RECOGNISE HIM. The brothers left Yusuf (as) to die at the bottom of the well and, returning to their father, they lied to him and said, “A wolf appeared and ate him up. As stated in verse 7: “Indeed in the story of the Prophet Yusuf and his brothers there are signs for those who ask questions from among the Quraish. ” Jul 14, 2017 · Therefore, Prophet Yusuf and his brothers are thought to have lived in Egypt closer to the year 1600 BC during the Hyksos invaders descended into the region. S) loved him dearly, -He knew Yusuf was very special -Like all the other prophets, Yusuf (A. One of his assistants had a very wicked wife who said many things about Yusuf that were quite untrue. s) Islamic Centre, Ottery, Cape Town. He decided to send his sons to Egypt to get the grains, all of them, except Benyamin. Faith. May 19, 2020 · Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) was the dearest son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), who additionally had 11 other children. Dec 30, 2018 · The brothers of Prophet Yusuf (a. But Yusuf’s heart held a secret – a dream that Prophet Shu'ayb (a) ›. One night Yusuf (as) had a wonderful Surah Yusuf – Verse 69 وَلَمَّا دَخَلُوا عَلَي يُوسُفَ ءَاوَي إِلَيْهِ أَخَاهُ قَالَ إِنّي أَنَاْ أَخُوكَ فَلاَ تَبْتَئِسْ بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ 69. Jan 1, 2020 · Prophet Yusuf is well known in history and the Quran includes an entire chapter on his life and struggles. Indeed, wrongdoers will not succeed. Hazrat Jibrael helped him sit on a stone to be prevented him from drowning. As they were then persecuting their brother, the Holy Prophet, in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph had treated him. His youngest brother was called Binyamin (Benjamin). Sep 14, 2021 · In this case, his brothers plot to abandon Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام and leave him to be discovered by strangers. And the brothers of Yusuf came [seeking food], and they entered upon him; and he recognized them, but he was to them unknown. She ran to her husband and accused prophet Yusuf of seducing her. patreon. However, Prophet Yusuf (AS) asserted that he would not leave the prison until they declare him innocent. BROTHERS OF PROPHET YUSUF (a. Jan 6, 2016 · 6. As told by his father Prophet Yusuf (AS) never told about his dream to his own brothers but day by day jealousy of his brothers towards him has gotten it’s worst phase. Even in the face of adversity, Yusuf’s unwavering faith and righteousness inspire us. One day all his brothers except Binyamin came to his treasury to ask for relief aid. Prophet Yusuf (p. Although he had forgiven his brothers, he did not know how his brothers would react to knowing that he was still Sep 24, 2021 · Allah has narrated the story of Prophet Yusuf in great detail in the Qur’an in Surah Yusuf, telling us in 12:3 that this is 'ahsanul qasas, the best of stories', with many lessons for us to learn. *8) This brother was Benjamin. He was Rachel's firstborn and Jacob's eleventh son. Quran. Flashcards; When they brought it to his father, what did his brothers do to Yusuf's (a) shirt? Dec 6, 2017 · Yusuf (Joseph) was born in Canaan (Palestine) to Yaqub (Jacob), the son of Ishaq (Isaac), who was the son of Ibrahim (Abraham) – all of whom were prophets. Yacoob loved Yusuf the most. Apr 16, 2019 · Remember why this sutra was revealed? It was revealed to consult our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to tell him that if you think your 00:08:58 --> 00:09:37 . May 28, 2021 · Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near. 11. They went to Israil, their father, to ask if they could take Yusuf out with them; they said they would teach him to be a good The story of Prophet Yūsuf. Dec 31, 2018 · By: Mowlana Syed Aftab Haider. — May 12, 2017 · Click the link to download Islamic videos app from Google play store : http://bit. Prophet Yusuf's (AS) Brothers in Egypt When his brothers arrived in Egypt, Prophet Yusuf (AS) was very pleased to see them. Naturally, prophet Yusuf tried to defend himself and told al-Aziz that it was his wife who seduced him. At the age of seventeen, Yusuf had a dream that Yacoub warned Yusuf not tell his brothers lest they try to harm him. May 18, 2013 · While longing for his father and younger brother, Yusuf AS was well taken care of, and lived in luxurious surroundings. May 9, 2020 · Series with Dr. Indeed, he is my master, who has made good my residence. Then Jacob, his wife, and his sons traveled to Egypt. Why were the brothers jealous of Prophet Yusuf? -Prophet Yusuf and Binyamin were both the favourites Mar 18, 2018 · Yaqub (AS) told Yusuf (AS) that he should never tell about this dream to his brothers as they will be jealous of him. He had eleven siblings, and the youngest, Binyamin, was his closest companion. May 11, 2024 · In the ancient land of Canaan, there lived a righteous man named Yusuf. ly/2KPkAl5Assalamu Alaikum ! By the grace of Allah (swt) Prophet Yusuf (as) Oct 18, 2022 · Prophet Yaqub (as) heard the news of grains being distributed in Egypt. Prophet Yusuf was thrown into prison by refusing to be seduced by his master’s wife. He wished to be in prison rather than being indecent. Yusuf? Was Hz. e. PROPHET YUSUF’S (p) EARLY LIFE: Q: Is it true that Hazrat Yusuf's daughter name was Minsa? I've searched a lot haven't found any reference. Yusuf sent only to teach his brothers? Was Hz. Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) when he was a boy got up one sublime morning enchanted by a lovely dream he recently had. Binyamin, who was the most youthful, was from the same mother as Yusuf, while the rest were older half-brothers. The surah titled in English means “Joseph” and it consists of 111 verses Abu Hamza Thumali narrates through a correct chain of traditionalists that one day he performed the morning prayers with Imam Zayn al-‘abidin in a mosque of Madinah. " (Sahih Al-Bukhari) However, the father was well aware of the jealousy of Joseph (Yusuf)'s brothers, so he warned him against telling his dream to his brothers. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) was the beloved son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) who also had 11 other sons. Nov 10, 2006 · When Prophet Yusuf's brothers entered on him in his court and the center of his authority, he knew them the minute he saw them. “And, when they entered unto Yusuf, he lodged his (own) brother (Benyamin) with himself, saying: ‘I am your brother; so do not Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, lived in the land of Canaan with ten half-brothers, one full brother, and at least one half-sister. – Yusuf 12:5 I n Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام dream, the 11 stars represent his 11 brothers, and the sun and the moon represent his father and mother. • They did not recognize him at all, never expecting that he was alive. They went to Israil, their father, to ask if they could take Yusuf out with them; they said they would teach him to be a good Jan 29, 2019 · In fact, when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions came and conquered Makkah, he told its inhabitants, who were infamous for the cruel way they treated the Muslims, “I speak to you in the same words of Prophet Yusuf, peace be with him, who spoke to his brothers”, and then he recited the same verse from Surah Yusuf: “You will hear About Surah Yusuf: Surah Yusuf (in Arabic text: يوسف‎) is the 12th chapter of the Qur’an. The king ordered bringing Prophet Yusuf (AS) into his presence. That reminded the inmate of Prophet Yusuf (AS). Suddenly, they found al-Aziz at the door. And mention in the Book ˹O Prophet, the story of˺ Moses. Oct 2, 2016 · Prophet Yusuf(pbuh) was the Prophet of Allah and the son of Prophet Yaqub . Prophet Yaqub has been mentioned in the Quran quite significantly about his son, Prophet Yusuf, in the surah Yusuf. Next time the brothers wanted the younger brother to go with them, but the father hesitated. Jan 27, 2021 · The brothers made their way back to Egypt and pleaded with Prophet Yusuf(as) to give them Binyamin and informed about father Yaqub(as)’s weakness and lost sight. After the prayers, Imam returned home. May 17, 2013 · Narrated in Sahih Bukhari, when asked who is the most honourable in Allah’s sight, Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “…Yusuf, Allah’s Prophet, the son of Allah’s Prophet, the son of Allah’s Prophet, the son of Allah’s Khalil (i. Yusuf (peace be upon him) lived for years in the house of Zulaikha, a woman of beauty, power and influence. From a young age, Yusuf was gifted with the ability to interpret dreams. " Taftali. s) started to beat him and to torture him. The intriguing life story of Yusuf has been described by Allah as “the best of stories” (Yusuf 12:3) and has been completely narrated in a single chapter. Nov 14, 2023 · Explore the timeless lessons embedded in the story of Prophet Yusuf through the verses of Surah Yusuf. Aug 20, 2023 · 2. At this point that they ended up travelling to Egypt in search of food and reached Prophet Yusuf (a. We elevate by degrees whomever We will; and above every person of knowledge, there is one more learned. ) in the Quran is a powerful narrative that resonates with human experiences. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy. Prophet Yaqub had 12 sons, Yusuf being the youngest one. Yusuf was the son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), who loved him dearly. From Betrayal to Blessing: The Inspiring Journey of Prophet Yusuf The story of Prophet Yusuf from the Quran is a timeless tale of faith, patience, and forgiveness. The brothers then lied to their father claiming that Yusuf (as) was eaten by a wolf, presenting his blood-soaked shirt as evidence. Yaqub (as) had twelve sons in total. So, they plotted his demise by inviting him to go out with them and threw him down a deep well. So as much as you can, forgive the evil people do to you. They no longer had a mother at the time. Ibrahim). As a father’s natural behavior or with Allah’s will, he had a special love and affection for his youngest son Yusuf. All Rasools were human beings. me/14b9661 Nov 21, 2020 · There is only one who is perfect: the Prophet (s)! Allah (swt) has protected Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and all other Prophets, as they are ma`soom, infallible. YUSUF AS MEETS HIS BROTHERS. Prophet Yusuf (PBUH), known as Joseph in Christianity, is a tale of hardship, triumph, patience, and forgiveness. Thus We devised a plan for Joseph; he could not have detained his brother under the king’s law, unless God so willed. The Prophets as mentioned in the Quran, Their life, qualities and attributes. Al-An'am (The Cattle) 6:84 وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ كُلاًّ هَدَيْنَا وَنُوحًا هَدَيْنَا مِن قَبْلُ وَمِن Aug 19, 2023 · Surah Yusuf PDF tells us that, Indeed, one can learn many lessons from the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his brothers. It is the only story in the Quran which is narrated entirely in one surah. So Allah made the brothers to bind themselves with their way of 'punishment, i. Mar 2, 2015 · A brief commentary of Chapter 12 (verses 1-66) of the Holy Quran. Of all the sons, Joseph was preferred by his father, who gave him a "long coat of many colors ". Yusuf AS grew into adulthood both physically and spiritually, trained and guided by his Lord, who said, And when Yusuf AS reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. People from different regions kept coming to collect food items from his treasury. C. Ya'qub was the only parent at the time. S. Binyamin the youngest, was born to exactly the same family as Yusuf and the other sons were older half-brothers. What was the name of Prophet Yusuf’s brothers? Prophet Yusuf (as) had eleven brothers. May 14, 2023 · Hence came the turning point in the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS). RESPONSE OF YUSUF (a. com/IslamicGuidance[One Off]: https://gofund. Certainly no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy, except the people who disbelieve. Prophet Muhammad was enduring a time when he felt lonely and alienated from his social surroundings, and his followers felt the strains of isolation. Yaqub’s love toward Hz. [This verse teaches us that Taqwa (staying away from sins) and Sabr (being patient when faced with challenges) are the two qualities that can help a person come out of any difficulty and lead to success in both this world and the next. Altogether Yacoob had twelve sons and Yusuf was the youngest and extremely beautiful. Surely He alone is the All-Knowing, All-Wise. When they reached the residence Imam instructed his slave girl, Sakina, that she must serve meals to anyone who came begging to his door as it was Sep 24, 2023 · Prophet Yusuf tried to run away from her and she ran after him and tore his shirt from the back. As the time passed by, the Problems became more complicated. He was the son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) and was blessed with wisdom and beauty beyond compare. S) tell Prophet Yusuf to keep the dream a secret from his brothers? - His older brothers were very jealous of him. She thought she loved him but he told her that she should honour her husband. Yaqub (Jacob), the son of Hz. The party of the ten brothers entered Egypt and Yusuf recognized them, but they did not recognize Yusuf. So, Prophet Yusuf عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ managed the reserve efficiently to fulfill the domestic needs of the surrounding areas for the entire famine years. Jan 4, 2010 · Bismillah Part I| Part II| Part III The unique quality about the story of Prophet Yusuf [علیہ السلام] is that it has been narrated in one go in the Quran, and it has been described by Allah as “Ahsan Al-Qasas” – the most beautiful of stories. 2583). Jubb Yussef is located near Ami'ad in the Galilee, altitude 246 meters, at the western side of a rocky hill (datum point 2006. The Quraish were told indirectly that they would also fail in their evil designs just as the brothers of Prophet Joseph had failed in his case, even after casting him into the well. ” YUSUF 12:23 Aug 11, 2022 · Yusuf (Joseph) was the beloved child of prophet Yaqub (Jacob) He also had 11 sons. PROPHET JOSEPH IS REUNITED WITH HIS BLESSED FATHER. Yaqub was also known as Israil. Why did Yaqub (A. Allah (ﷻ) mentions this in the Quran in Surah Yusuf:“One among them said: Kill not Yusuf but, if ye must be doing, fling him into the depth of the pit; some caravan will find him. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) had a dream that he was destined for greatness. Ramadaan 1436/2015. Enjoy watching this amusing video to know the full story of the honorable Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him), what happened between him and his brothers, his life in Egypt, his story with the wife of the ruler of Egypt and many very interesting incidents in his life. (Qur’an 12:58) The time passed. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. May 2, 2014 · He said: "The most honorable person is Joseph (Yusuf) Allah's prophet, the son of Allah's prophet, the son of the faithful friend of Allah (Ibrahim). They became so jealous, some of them actually wanted to kill him. The Pharaoh of Egypt called Firawn had many people working for him. S) too was given miracles -He was given the miracle of the shirt and the ability to interpret dreams Dec 28, 2018 · Some narrations state that Prophet Ya’koob (a. ” Important Points Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام was defeated by his own brothers, who threw him down the well and dashed back home. Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) was appointed as the treasurer of Egypt. Oct 25, 2018 · Even after all that his brothers put him through, Prophet Yusuf forgave them. “By Allah! You will not cease to remember Yusuf until you lose your health or even your life. Prophet Yusuf (as) meets his brothers again! Will they recognize him? How will he get out of prison? Watch the video and find out!Prophet Yusuf (as) forgave Prophet Harun (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) was born to a faithful Israelite family living in Egypt. According to the interpretation of the Prophet Yusuf's life story, Yusuf and his older brothers were the parties to this sibling rivalry. During the famine, the brothers came begging for food to Yusuf who now controlled the food storage of Egypt. Sep 12, 2015 · Prophet Yusuf (AS) was disappointed not to see his full brother, Binyameen, and asked his brothers to tell him about themselves. Yusuf real love? 2 -Yusuf (A. The brothers left, depressed, and on reaching Egypt they collected Judah and called on Yusuf, with whom they pleaded: The parents and brothers of Prophet Joseph bowed down before him in accordance with the ancient custom among the people of the age, (and the custom is still in vogue among some people), who used to bow down before others to show their gratitude, or welcome them, or merely to salute them by placing their hand on the breast. May 16, 2010 · Prophet Yusuf meets his brothers As Prophet Yusuf (alayhis salam) had predicted, seven years of famine followed seven years of good harvest, but the storehouses of Egypt were full because of Prophet Yusuf’s skillful management. s)’s Ministry. It reflects the nature of the critical period in which it was revealed. As they were then persecuting their brother, the Holy Prophet, in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph had treated him. May 29, 2021 · Yusuf’s (as) brothers were resentful of their father’s love for Yusuf (as). The brothers traveled for many days and finally arrived in Egypt. S) said to them to bring the younger brother next time and he will double the ration, or he will not give them grains. . Prophet Yaqub (AS) had 12 sons in all. S) became the controller of cultivation, harvesting and storage of crops. The Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) prayed to Almighty Allah to grant him protection from those ladies. S) -Yusuf (A. Israil's children could see that Yusuf was their father's favourite. Abu Hamza Thumali accompanied the master. ' We raise to degrees whom We please, but over all those endowed with knowledge is the All-Knowing (Allah). Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Go you and inquire about Yusuf and his brother and never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy. He had a younger brother named Benyamin from his mother. The faith of Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac), Ya'qoob (Jacob) and Yusuf (Joseph), may Allah's peace be upon them all, was the same as that of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and they invited the people to the same Message to which Muhammad (pbuh) was inviting them. One day, a group of brothers came to him asking for their crops. (4) (Remember) when Yusuf said to his father: "O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven stars and the Sun and the moon - I saw tem prostrating themselves to me," Aug 22, 2019 · Prophet Muhammad ﷺ met Prophet Yusuf (alaihi salaam) (Joseph) o n the night of Miraj (Ascension) and described him in the following words: “I saw Yusuf (peace of Allah be upon him) who had been given half of (world) beauty. He was the real younger brother of Prophet Joseph, and was his junior by many years. The well consists of a dug-out pit with a diameter of one metre and depth of about four metres, roofed by a cupola supported by four pillars and surrounded by ancient graves. S) had 12 brothers, 11 were stepbrothers, and his real brother’s name was Binyamin (Benjamin) -Yusuf was wise and beautiful, Yaqub (A. – Yusuf 12:4 The Prophet Yusuf in the Prison: The Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) found himself in a great trouble. There are numerous lessons to be learned including his relationship with his father and siblings, how you can overcome adversity through trials, how to be steadfast when tempted and how to behave when you finally succeed. Yet he not only forgave them, but invited them to come and live Feb 23, 2024 · Through the stories of Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Yaqub, Surah Yusuf underscores the importance of moral conduct, resilience, and unwavering trust in Allah’s wisdom and mercy, inspiring believers to embody virtues such as fairness, integrity, forgiveness, and perseverance in their daily lives. Binyamin, who was youngest, was from the same mother as Yusuf, while the rest were older half-brothers. Part one sees Joseph being torn away from his loving father and thrust into slavery, and ends with Joseph securing a high position in the Egyptian government. Yusuf told them that supply of grains shall be according to the number of men that came, bring next time along with them any one left behind. S) immediately recognized them but they didn’t. This made the other brothers very angry. But all Prophet Yusuf said: “[I seek] the refuge of Allah. Jan 22, 2021 · Those brothers said to their father, Prophet Jacob, “Ask God to forgive us. Jul 31, 2019 · It was only many years later in his adulthood when Prophet Yusuf was finally able to confront his older brothers and become reunited with his father and youngest brother Bunyamin. s) heard their father’s response and reference to his sorrow for the loss of Prophet Yusuf (a. Jan 6, 2023 · Then, Prophet Yaqub (AS) fulfilled his promise and built a mosque in Jerusalem where he placed oil on the stone, which Prophet Suleiman (AS) expanded later. We hope to make it easy for everyone to read, study, and learn The Noble Quran. Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) recognized them and knew they were his brothers. Their mother had died at the birth of Benjamin. They introduced themselves and told him about their father and mother. This was the Prophet’s plan to lure his father to come into the city so they could all be reunited. ” Continue the Prophet Yusuf Story, Yusuf’s home was filled with laughter and the sounds of many brothers. He was truly a chosen man, and was a messenger and a prophet. Besides, Joseph was the only son, in whom he had discerned signs of righteousness and capabilities. Sep 19, 2023 · Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) reminded them of how badly they had treated their brother Yusuf and left him to die in a well. ” There are numerous signs of Allah’s omnipotence at work in the life history of Hadrat Yusuf, each of which is an advice and a Nov 20, 2020 · Lesson 34. Allama Uthmani writes, "Prophet Yaqub (Peace be upon him) said to Yusuf (Peace be upon him) "Do not disclose this dream to your brothers. Forgiving his brothers and doing good to them. ’ Jul 10, 2020 · The tale of Prophet Yusuf (A. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem, Al-Ketab, Al-Furqan, Al-Maw'itha, Al-Thikr, and Al-Noor. Prophet Yusuf (alayhis salam) knew Check out my Patreon in’sha’allah if you'd like to support the da’wah! [Monthly]: https://www. Planning of Prophet Yusuf’s (AS) Brothers Feb 24, 2023 · When they reached the city, Prophet Yusuf (AS) called his brother Benjamin and told him I am your brother. This favoritism, however, spurred jealousy among Yusuf's half-brothers, who felt neglected by their father. As soon as they could not see their father in the distance any longer, the brothers of Yusuf (a. Prophet Yusuf (A) was relieved to hear that Prophet Ya'qub (A) was alive, and he welcomed his brothers sincerely. ” — (Surah Yusuf 12:84) The brothers were infuriated by their father's love for their long-forgotten brother. From being betrayed by his own brothers to rising to become the chief advisor to the Egyptian king, Yusuf's story is a testament to the transformative power of trust in Allah. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf have? - 10 older brothers. One day Yūsuf has a dream and he narrates his dream to his father, who immediately knows that Yūsuf will be a prophet. Oct 18, 2021 · In a fit of jealousy, people can do things they never imagined they could. (Surah Yusuf: 7) Since Allah devotes a lot of space to the details of the life of Prophet Yusuf (as), we may be sure that believers have a great deal to Q5. Nov 1, 2022 · Brothers of Prophet Yusuf (AS) in Egypt . However, they did not recognize him because they got rid of him when he was still young, and sold him to a caravan of travelers while unaware of their destination. Yusuf and Zulaikha (the English transliteration of both names varies greatly) is a title given to many tellings in the Muslim world of the story of the relationship between the prophet Yusuf and Potiphar's wife. We called him from the right side of Mount Ṭûr, and drew him near, speaking ˹with him˺ directly. Although the brothers of Sayyidina Yusuf (a) who were also Prophets put him in the well, still they are ma`soom; they were drawn to do those acts to show the greatness of Sayyidina Yusuf (a). Apr 16, 2024 · Yusuf's brothers' jealousy resulted in betrayal and separation. And We appointed for him—out of Our grace—his brother, Aaron, as a prophet. Binyamin, who was the youngest, was from the same mother as Yusuf, while the rest were older half-brothers. 2. Among them were Prophet Yusuf’s (alayhis salam) brothers. Our Prophet f warned us, ‘Beware of envy, for it devours good deeds just as fire devours wood or grass. He welcomed me prayed for my well-being. He had eleven brothers, but only Benjamin was from the same mother as Joseph (a). s) had eleven brothers. S) was the son of Yaqub (A. ” (Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 214) Prophet Yusuf (a. Prophet Yusuf was the most handsome of men. But like all the Prophets, Yusuf (as) shows humility at the peak of his success as he says, “My Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me of the sovereignty”. The king’s wife tried to seduce him, but Prophet Yusuf held steadfast on his morals and beliefs. It seemed everything would not go his way, he was betrayed by his brothers, sold as slave, and unjustly imprisoned. ” (Surah Yusuf 12:1-4) The story of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) is exceptionally interesting as it abounds with numerous incidents that Early on in this surah, Allah reveals that his life story contains important indications, proofs and wisdom: In Yusuf and his brothers there are Signs for every one of those who want to ask. Here are some key takeaways: Resilience and Patience: Yusuf faced numerous trials, including betrayal by his brothers and imprisonment. At the same time, Allah has sent Hazrat Jibrael for his protection in the well. That is why Prophet Jacob paid special attention to these two motherless children. Prophet Yusuf (a. Yusuf was said to have been his father’s most loved son, which ignited jealousy among his brothers. Named after the Prophet Joseph (Yusuf), it recounts his life… Aug 6, 2024 · Prophet Yusuf is the son of prophet -----Yaqub. There is a Whole Surah named after him-Surah Yusuf(Chapter 12,Quran) . Prophet Joseph sent 4000 soldiers to escort his family from Palestine to Egypt. They (Joseph's brothers) said: "If he steals, there was a brother of his (Joseph) who did steal before him. When the brothers of Prophet Yusuf found out that the brother they had thrown in the well several years ago is the same man from whom they are begging for sustenance, they were filled with remorse. When the brothers of Prophet Yusuf (a. Feb 18, 2018 · Prophet Yusuf, son of Yacoub (Jacob), had ten half-brothers. He is widely recognized as the elder brother of Prophet Musa (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ). Prophet Yaqub عليه السلام said: Do not relate your vision to your brothers, or they will devise a plot against you. He could have easily gotten his revenge. They did not recognise him at all, never expecting that he was alive. s), who was his great grandfather. The King became very pleased with Prophet Yusuf (AS) and made him the Minister of Egypt. Surat Yusuf is a single, complete unit with a clear Makkan character reflected in its subject matter, message, and ambience. Verse 58 thus says: As they were then persecuting their brother, the Holy Prophet, in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph had treated him. ' Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham ') is a prophet and messenger of God mentioned in the Qur'an [1] and corresponds to Joseph, a person from the Hebrew and Christian Bible who was said to have lived in Egypt before the New Kingdom. Prophet Yaqub (as) loved Yusuf (as) and Benyamin more than his other children. This is because it has a beautiful example of human nature that […] Surah Yusuf - Verse 7 لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي يُوسُفَ وَإِخْوَتِهِ ءَايَاتٌ لِلسَّآئِلِينَ 7. People from all over flocked to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. Jan 19, 2023 · Produced By One Islam Productions-----The ONE ISLAM TV APP is now available on Aug 18, 2023 · The Qur'an does not name or provide a source for the names of Yusuf's brothers. com is a Sadaqah Jariyah. From a young age, the Prophet Yusuf had prophetic dreams that predicted his future greatness. They regretted their actions, but what was most inspiring in this story is how Yusuf forgave them even before they asked for it. His father tells him not to tell his brothers to avoid any harm. • and Hazart Yousaf provided them with enough wheat for their needs and had their money put back in their bags secretly. What the young Yusuf must have felt as he clung to the walls of the well for his life, we can […] May 3, 2009 · Prophet Yusuf (A) was disappointed not to see his full brother, Binyameen, and asked his brothers to tell him about themselves. s) TO THE ACTIONS OF HIS BROTHERS Feb 10, 2024 · Story of Prophet Yusuf’s Reunion with His Brothers In The Quran. Prophet Yusuf(A. His father, Prophet Ya’qub (Jacob), advised him to keep this dream secret because he was fearing jealousy from his brothers. When Prophet Yusuf's brothers entered on him in his court and the center of his authority, he knew them the minute he saw them. s) came with him to the Gate of the city before separating and looked at him with sad eyes. His patience and resilience in the face of adversity teach us the importance of perseverance. b. s), their response is narrated in Verse 85 which says: Prophet Yaccob (p) permitted but kept Bin-Yameen, the brother of Yusuf with him. This made them very jealous. Joseph (a) was younger than the other brothers except Benjamin. In his journey, he displayed much sabr. ” — (Surah Yusuf 12:83) He then turned away from them and lamented: “Alas, poor Yusuf. And do not look at yourself better when you do so. The story of Prophet Joseph is a story of suffering and sadness, focusing on putting one’s trust in God and knowing that He is the best of Planners. Yusuf's prayer to live and die as a Muslim. Nov 27, 2015 · Prophet Yusuf [Joseph] (Peace be upon him) Will you give information about the pedigrees of prophets and their order of coming? Are there any hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about Hz. Then he pulled it out of his brother’s bag. Mar 17, 2024 · These rules, principles, and others – from the story of Prophet Allah Yusuf, peace be upon him, and the ethics of our Prophet, upon whom be the best of prayers and peace – form important factors and reasons for the necessity of guiding our youth to take the prophets – especially Yusuf and our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them all Nov 6, 2023 · Sons of Prophet Yaqub. Prophet Yusuf (as)’s grandfather was Prophet Ishaq (as) and his father was Prophet Yaqub (as). 1 / 25. Their envy led them to plot against Yusuf, eventually throwing him into a deserted well. Yusuf's brothers said to him, "By Allah! indeed has Allah preferred thee above us, and we certainly have been guilty of sin!"He said: "This day let no reproach be (cast) on you: Allah will forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!" (Yusuf 91-92) THE PROPHET YAQUB AND HIS SONS Allah sent Hz. The eleven brothers of Yusuf were envious of him. So he began with their bags, before his brother's bag. ” (Yusuf 12:85-87). ” (Surah Yusuf, 17) After being left in the well, Yusuf was found by a caravan whose members rescued him from the depths of the well and sold him to an Egyptian Aziz (Treasurer). In this story, the brothers of Yusuf, overcome by acute jealously, tried to do the unthinkable: kill their little brother. h) requested the whole family moved to Egypt and lived there for 17 years and passed away at the age of 147. " May 16, 2015 · And now let's begin the story of Prophet Yusuf (Peace be upon him) and his eleven brothers: The Story and lts lessons. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) (AS) There are 58 Verses in the Quran. All the Qur'anic Verses below are from Surah Yusuf. The name Yūsuf (Joseph) is mentioned twenty-seven times in the Qur'an, and is the title of the twelfth sura. When Prophet Yusuf (as) was a young boy, he had a dream in which he saw the sun, the moon and eleven stars bow down to him. Q7. Apr 27, 2021 · At this point in Yusuf (as) life, by all definitions of success, he had finally “made it”. [2] Amongst Jacob's children, Yusuf reportedly had the gift of prophecy through dreams. Historically, Qur'anic exegetes have held that in places where the Qur'an does not speak on a subject, The Bible and This is the most detailed and fascinating story in the Qur'an, involving both human weaknesses such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, deception, intrigue, cruelty, terror as well as noble qualities such as patience, loyalty, bravery, nobility, and compassion. Feb 10, 2020 · Yusuf plan was to frame Binyamin with the King’s golden cup so that he would be caught for theft and held captive by the guards. The King of Egypt saw a peculiar dream. Yusuf(as) then disclosed his identity saying “Do you remember what you did to Joseph and his brother in your ignorance?”(Al-Quran12:89). RESULT AND DISCUSSION The passage from the narrative of Prophet Yusuf and his brothers reveals sibling behaviour. Also what were his other daughters names?A: We have not come across this. The Satan is always lying in ambush for man; he may instigate your brothers against you through insinuation, because the interpretation of the dream is too clear. Surah Yusuf PDF states that Prophet Yusuf (AS) kept his brother Benjamin with himself by planning something extraordinary. u. [Of these stories mention] when Yusuf (Joseph, peace be upon him) said to his father, “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me. Seven years later, famine struck Egypt. It showcases the virtues of patience, modesty, and forgiveness. (Surah Yusuf 12 : 5) They were brothers by blood, but Yusuf’s brothers would not have been pleased by his vision of prophethood. ” [12:10] When Yusuf (عليه السلام) was cast into the pit, Allah (ﷻ) told him that he, Yusuf, would one day remind his brothers of this incident. He was born at a time when the Israelites were being severely oppressed under a tyrannical Egyptian Ruler. Nov 7, 2023 · So, the people of the surrounding areas used to get the needful from Egypt. The jealous brothers finally decided to throw Yusuf into a deep well. enslaving of a thief. Prophet Yaqoob (AS) said, O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Feb 26, 2024 · The story of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) in the Quran is rich with lessons and wisdom. Brothers of Prophet Yusuf (AS) told each other that our father deeply loves Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his brother even though we deserve his love more as a whole group. s) thus also started to search for food in other places to survive. Developed primarily from the account in Sura 12 of the Qur'an, a distinct story of Yusuf and Zulaikha seems to have developed in Jul 16, 2022 · The story of Prophet Yusuf against ill-treatment in this Surah warns the Quraysh of their conflict with the Prophet, which will end in his victory over them. Feb 1, 2010 · Bismillah Part I | Part II | Part III After the brothers of Yusuf [علیہ السلام] threw him into a well, the trial of both Prophet Yaqoub [علیہ السلام] and his would-be Prophet son commenced. (Qur’an 12:22) Aug 19, 2023 · Surah Yusuf PDF tells us that, Indeed, one can learn many lessons from the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his brothers. Now Yusuf was powerful – he had cornered his brothers and they were helpless. [20] Thus, they asked their father whether they could take the young Joseph out to play with them, on the condition that they would keep watch over him. The brothers were amazed to hear their secret from the Aziz, who now spoke in the language of their people. Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Ya’qub, rother 1 (Shamon), Brother 2 (Zobolon), Brother 3 (Lawi), Brother 4 (Rawbin), Narrator [Scene set in a field] Narrator: The story of the beautiful Prophet Yusuf began when he was born to Prophet Yaqub and his beloved wife Rachel (also known as Rahil). Yūsuf is one of the sons of Ya'qub who has the talent of interpreting dreams. Yusuf (a), son of Jacob (a) and Rachel, was an Israelite prophet. Yusuf’s mother Rahel had died and his aunt who later wedded to Yacoob, had brought up Yusuf. Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام told his father: I dreamt of 11 stars, and the sun, and the moon—I saw them prostrating to me. Brothers of Prophet Yusuf عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ Travel to Egypt for Food May 18, 2013 · Yusuf AS knew however that the greatest reward for patience and righteousness would be in the hereafter. Q6. He saved enough grains for the coming seven Apr 28, 2021 · Prophet Yusuf(A. In 1735 BC when Prophet Yusuf عليه السلام was 12 years old, he saw a dream which has been narrated in the Holy Quran. The brothers ended up believing in the prophethood of Hadrat Yusuf (as) The brothers ended up believing in the prophethood of Hadrat Yusuf (as) B. Prophet Yusuf was the son of Prophet Yakub (Jacob) and was born to him in his old age. “Certainly there are signs (of Allah’s sovereignty) in (the story of) Yusuf and his brothers for the inquirers. LIFE. Yet his life was filled with had adversity and difficulty. Prophet Yusuf (AS) was disappointed not to see his full brother, Binyameen, and asked his brothers to tell him about themselves. However, his brothers, consumed with jealousy, conspired against him and threw him down a well, eventually leading to his sale as a slave in Egypt. Binyamin, who was the youngest, was from the same mother as Yusuf (AS), while the rest were older half-brothers. His brothers, however, grew envious of his favor with their father and the special talents bestowed upon him. May 15, 2023 · Yusuf (Joseph) was the beloved son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), who also had 11 other sons. Planning of Prophet Yusuf’s (AS) Brothers Oct 16, 2022 · The Dream of Prophet Yusuf (as) Prophet Yusuf (as) was the son of Prophet Yaqub (as) and Rahel. Prophet Yusuf Dream. s) descended from a long line of Prophets, beginning with the Prophet Ibrahim (a. Aslam Abdullah. - 1 younger brother called Binyamin. Delivered at Ahlul Bait (a. ” Yusuf AS was young boy, handsome, happy and very much loved by his father. Prophet Yusuf (as) told his brothers that Allah ﷻ does not waste the reward of those who are patient and have Taqwa. Instead of accepting the decree of Allah, by acknowledging the Prophetic privilege of their brother and the Prophetic guidance of their father, they decided to fight against it. May 12, 2014 · Prophet Yusuf's (AS) Brothers in Egypt: • When his brothers arrived in Egypt, Prophet Yusuf (AS) was very pleased to see them. ” Prophet Jacob said that he would. Yusuf (AS) is one of the sons of Yaqub (AS) who has a talent for interpreting dreams. voywc fadur fvjrxtgx xxxaw hsspkza atn ygvj frmjz onqnu mtxwuj